Back on a movie set

Back on a movie set

After so many years, I have been back on a movie set as a Director. They say that directing is like riding a bike, that you never forget how to do it. But it is true that the butterflies in the stomach are always there when you shout "action" in a movie set, despite...

Shooting of short film “Cups”

Shooting of short film “Cups”

In a couple of weeks I will be setting my feet again in a movie set. After so many years, I will have the opportunity to connect with the great feeling of pulling out a fiction project. I am thrilled with the story we want to tell and with the cast and crew we have...



Holidays are great for disconnecting from routines, but passions are unbridled. They do not have a beginning or an end. They overwhelm you and make time become something secondary in life. August is a month of vacation but the imminent filming of the short film “Cups”...

Final works on “Àngela” documentary

Final works on “Àngela” documentary

After more than six months of post-production, we are in the final stretch of the documentary "Àngela". We have to do a final review on the editing, the soundtrack, the sound design and the color correction. We hope to have the final version of the film at the...

Documentary and Screenwriting workshops

Documentary and Screenwriting workshops

From June 17th to 21st I will be teaching a documentary workshop and a screenwriting workshop at the Escola Catalana de Cinema i Televisió de Lleida ( If you are interested about learning how to write a script or how to direct a documentary, please,...

Fiction short film

Fiction short film

"Cups" is the new short film project that I have the intention to direct at the end this Summer. Based on my own experiences and on the need of telling an emotional story, I will briefly take on this new and exciting project in Lleida, my hometown.

New documentary

New documentary

Maties Palau Ferré was a Spanish cubist painter that was well known during the second half of the 20th Century for taking an extreme decision: burning his paintings. He did that as a critic to the horrendous fixing of prizes surrounding the art market. We are working...

Tutoring of projects

Tutoring of projects

At the Film School of Lleida (ECCIT) we have started greenlighting the end of the term short films. During the following three months, the students will be involved in the production and postproduction of very promising projects. As a directing and screenwriting...

Nayox Films

Nayox Films

I have recently created a production company called Nayox Films with the goal of producing my own projects. This is a step ahead into getting my projects, both fiction and documentary, off the ground. Having a production company will help my projects being 100%...

New year, new novel

New year, new novel

"Where Giants Die" is the title of my new novel. This book is the continuation of Zoe Natan's adventures. This time she will be involved in the disappearance of an enigmatic old woman in a village in the Spanish Pyrenees. I will start moving the novel around literary...

Support to the documentary “Àngela”

Support to the documentary “Àngela”

The Spanish institutions Diputació de Lleida and IEI have approved to give finance to finish the post-production of our documentary “Àngela”. All members of the team are very happy about the trust that both entities have shown to the project by backing us up. We are...

New online courses

New online courses

As I have been doing for the last five years, I will be teaching two online courses at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst: Making Short Films and Making Short Documentaries. If you are interest in enrolling, please, visit this website:...

“The Voice of Thaïs” on TV

“The Voice of Thaïs” on TV

After being selected in more than fifty festivals around the world and receiving 28 awards, the documentary "The Voice of Thaïs" starts its second life on television. The Catalan channel TV3 has bought the rights to broadcast the documentary twice during 2024.

New term at ECCIT

New term at ECCIT

On September 25th classes will resume at the Film School of Lleida (Spain). At ECCIT we offer to anyone the possibility to learn any job related to the film and television industry.

Galacticat Film Festival

Galacticat Film Festival

It is a pleasure to assist to festivals where "The Voice of Thaïs" has been selected. But it is even more thrilling to share points of view with the audience and remember that, once you present a film, the film is not yours anymore, but everybody's. Thanks a lot to...