The Freedom Trail

The Freedom Trail

"The Freedom Trail" is a yearly activity that gathers descendants of political refugees that escaped German Nazism with the goal of crossing the Pyrenees and get to Spain from where they would go on exile. For 29 years this event has taken place yearly and it consists...

The press

The press

Not long ago, a Spanish newspaper published a monographic about the documentary "The Voice of Thaïs" and to my new documentary "'Àngela". We are pleased that the press is giving us this support to keep on working on our projects and make people aware about them....



We start 2023 celebrating an anniversary. Four years ago I created the Cinema School of Lleida in Spain ( Since then, we have gone through so many things. But the most important is that I still teach filmmaking to new students with the same enthusiasm.

Film on Filmin

Film on Filmin

From December 23rd, my documentary "The Voice of Thaïs" will be available on the Spanish platform Filmin. After more than a year showing the documentary in film festivals around the world and getting 50 official selections and 22 awards, it will finally be available...

New online course

New online course

In December I will start a new online course about directing, writing and producing short films at the University Amherst-Massachusetts. If you are interested about learning about how to develop ideas, writing screenplays and making short films, you can enroll here.

Travelling to festivals

Travelling to festivals

This Autumn my documentary "The Voice of Thaïs" will premiere in many festivals around the world. One of the most interesting parts of making a film is the interaction with the audience, so I try to go to as many festivals as possible, although my duties keep me off...

New documentary

New documentary

Àngela is the title of my new documentary. A few months ago I started following Àngela Mora, a youngster from Maials (Lleida, Spain), who in November 2021 became the first girl with Down's syndrome to participate in the Spanish Gymnastics Championships. The...

More awards

More awards

The documentary "The Voice of Thaïs" has received 10 awards from 23 festivals where it has been selected. It is a great accomplishment for the cast, crew and people who participated in it. Thanks a lot to all of you who made possible to show to the world who Elena...

Erasmus Project in Poland

Erasmus Project in Poland

In July I will be traveling to Szczecin (Poland) to teach a few Directing classes to students from different cinema schools of Sweden, Poland and Spain. The Cinema School of Lleida (Escola Catalana de Cinema i Televisió ECCIT), from which I am director and teacher,...

Another novel on the way

Another novel on the way

It's been almost three years since I published my first novel "21 Days of Rage". Ever since I published the book, literature has kept seducing me after every single book I read, After receiving the Morella Negra 2021 Award for Best Noir Novel published in Spain by a...

More projections

More projections

We keep on projecting the documentary "The Voice of Thaïs" to more venues. This time it was the Filmoteca of Catalunya, in Barcelona (Spain), where I enjoyed a lovely debate with the assistants moderated by Esteve Riambau, director of the Filmoteca.

Harvard University and UMass

Harvard University and UMass

The universities of Harvard and Massachusetts-Amherst, have invited me to teach a masterclass at their premises and to present my documentary "The Voice of Thaïs" to their students and teachers. All in all, an unforgettable experience that goes beyond expectations.



March will be a very hectic month with lots of projections of "The Voice of Thaïs" around the country. Following our goal of spreading Elena Jordi's story to a wider audience, I will be travelling with the film and I will assist to the projections to answer the...

Seven official selections and two awards

Seven official selections and two awards

After two months of intensive distribution of the documentary "The Voice of Thaïs" we have received seven official selections and two awards. 2022 starts with great news and we really hope that it will be the year of Elena Jordí's definite recognition.

New online documentary course

New online documentary course

2022 starts with strength and optimism. Besides de courses that I teach at ECCIT, we are starting an online documentary course on January 25th at the Amherst-Massachusetts University. If you are interested, you can enrol here aquí.